A perpetual summation of music, science, and other variables of interest.


March record store visit

Just here to talk about the what how and why of my most recent record store visit. I think this will be more interesting rather than conjuring some feeble attempt to take on serious criticism.

Drive-by Truckers, Brighter Than Creations Dark: Awesome! Sort of an impulse buy (nice when that pays off), but I had read a few good things on these guys. Owing to the name I had always assumed to be cheeseball southern rock (which is not a bad thing). Instead, they are southern rock that really rocks but is not totally 1-dimensional. Apt, albeit dark, depictions of Americana.

MGMT, Oracular Spectacular: So my brother's friend's brother knew these guys in college. They also opened for the Of Montreal concert I went to in the fall. "kids" off the old 2006 cdr was a favorite amongst the SRQ crowd of my brothers ilk.

They've added a lot of reverb to the album version which I think was unnecessary. I love the first half of the album but not the second.

Kate Bush, Hounds of Love: First heard of her in a Terrace Club mailing list destress email sent during exam time that included the video for "Wuthering Heights."

She popped up later again whilst perusing a highly entertaining pitchfork feature. Thought it was all a big joke at first given her eccentric singing/dancing. But after going back several times to watch again, I realized I couldn't deny this song. Hounds of Love I decided to buy amidst other potential options because I love the cover of the title track done by the Futureheads.

Beach House, Devotion: First became interested in these guys after hearing "apple orchard" on a pitchfork recommend. It was one of those tracks I didn't even know I liked until I was later humming the tune in my head. I think the melody was just to slow and sleepy to comprehend at first. Got interested in Devotion after another rave pitchfork review and a few trial runs on the hype-machine This album keeps the similar, druggy, slow-moving feel but not quite as spacey as that track.

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