A perpetual summation of music, science, and other variables of interest.


Complete - Beautiful Sunrises

This band is truly untalented. On one level a complete joke. But then again you have to give it up for their passion. They are totally into their music, despite how bad it sounds -- clearly doing this for nobody but themselves (except perhaps the dancing girl at 1:10?). Nobody could reproduce this even if they tried. The next Shaggs perhaps?


Anonymous said...

What's nice about this song is that
(A) You can really tap your foot to it, and
(B) It's so short and concise.

Anyway, I still think it may be a little unfair to compare them to The Shaggs. The members of this band seem as though they may have -- at least once in the past -- picked up the instruments that they are playing. More accurate, perhaps, is to simply say that Complete completely sucks.

Hurricane Eddie said...

Ah, your wit slays me again Mr. Saipe. Hope you had a good laugh from Complete. Perhaps Seaby would be interested with his passion for outsider music?