A perpetual summation of music, science, and other variables of interest.


AWK @ First Unitarian Church Philly: PARTY FOR LIFE: Total Lovefest

Like many old churches in urban areas, the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia's architechture sharply contrasts the rectangular backdrop of its city environs. Unlike many old churches, however, this one had a line of people stretching down the block composed of a motlier group than the staff of Hot Topic. The clientele was complete with large-guage piercings, dredlocks, and even a trio of Dragonforce shirts. Had satan risen to power and overtaken America's holy places? No, it was simply the crowd gathering to witness our friend Andrew W.K. deliver a speaking engagement entitled "Party for Life: Total Love and Happiness." Ellen and I found our place in the fully occupied pews and anticipated what was about to traspire in this grand (and extraordinarly appropriate) setting.

After a few eternities and some preemptive cheering, Andrew W.K. emerged, grinned widely at the audience, and took his place at the grand piano beneath the pulpit. He proceeded to play epic classical piano with such intensity and ferocity it would have made Wagner roll in his grave -- all the while inspiring hushed appreciation from the unlikeliest of audiences.

W.K. then leapt up from the piano bench and gesticulated wildly as he is often does in his peformances. However the lack of the usual guitar anthem in the background made it utterly more intense. I sort of wonder if he has maybe lost it a little; at one point in the talk he jerked back from the lectern looking confused, swirled around and picked up a huge table behind him, then began to stagger around the stage wielding the large piece of furniture like a madman. Soon after he regained his composure, though, he jumped right back into the lecture as if nothing had happened.

Whether crazy or uncontrollably exuberant, Andrew W.K. still managed to provide a very inspiring message, that was heavily philosophical, even spiritual, and drew the audience together in a profound collective experience, a "happening" as he described it. The basic theme of the night was LOVE: spreading the idea of love to others and latching onto what makes you feel good and hopfeul instead of what makes you feel angry, jealous, or hateful. Though sometimes vague about the practicalities of this ideal in the real world, I thought his message was very universal in its approach and resonated well with his audience. For many of these people it was exactly what they needed to hear. This was proven by the long QandA session after his short talk in which many troubled individuals from the audience sought his counsel for advice. Many were challenged by everyday struggles in their lives, but Andrew showed them a new, optimistic approach to the problems they had been having and in some cases I think really inspired hope in the individuals. Most of the questioners even shared hugs with Andrew after his response.

My favorite moment of the night was when one guy took the mic and recalled an email response to a question he posed to AWK several years ago. Andrew even remember this encounter in which the guy asked for advice as he found himself unhappy and unsatisfied in his new college setting, feeling lonely with nobody to turn to while other kids were having a great time partying with friends. AWK's response to this query was: "It only takes 1 person to party." If you're anything like me, that statement is simultaneously: ridiculous, hilarious, encouraging, and insightful. AWK then expounded on this previous wisdom by explaining how it is so much more intense to party by yourself because you have to be self-aware that nobody else is there with you.

Overall it was really neat to see Andrew W.K. in this unique setting. I think he has a lot of potential to serve as a role model and reach out to people who don't normally have much guidance or help from society. I have no doubt he will keep the party going in all meanings of the word.

Here's another account of the evening's events

1 comment:

Heymann230 said...

"It only takes 1 person to party."- Andrew W.K.

\m/ that has immediately become one of my favorite quotes.