A perpetual summation of music, science, and other variables of interest.


Recent Accomplishments: Thesis + Apartment

Greetings! I now return victoriously from my hiatus to bring you several new and interesting posts that have been percolating during my abscence from the blogosphere. To kick things off right, I thought I'd just share what I've been up to for the last year or so:


Still hard to believe I finished that beast. It didn't really turn out how we hoped but then again science rarely does. Regardless, we discovered some interesting things and there is always more work to be done. Here's a little recap:

-Greenland plays a major role in climate change. If it melted, sea level could rise 7 meters.
-Understanding how the Greenland Ice Sheet formed will give us a better idea of how it interacts with global climate and how it might change with future global warming
-We tried to use argon dating on ice from the bottom of the Greenland Ice Sheet to pinpoint its buildup, but the ages we measured were from the future.
-The error was probably due to argon contamination from the earth's crust below
-We still founds lots of other interesting properties in the ice but I wont bore you with them here. Read the thesis if you want to know.

Fun fact to tell your friends: there are microorganisms that have survived over 250,000 years 3 kilometers under the ice in Greenland.

In other recent news, I scored an apartment in NYC for next with on of my best friends Santosh and his current NYU roommate Anand who is a really awesome dude. So psyched! Come check us out: 212 E. 10th St., Apt. 3B (off 2nd Ave). Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to afford it. Hard to believe I'll soon be living life in the Big Apple.

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